This is already documented on PHP Manual, however very recently I had to do a CURL with some data JSON encoded and POSTed to a WebService to get some results. The corresponding PHP coding is not very difficult, I am showing it below.
I am testing this in localhost and it is going to run perfectly. I have a file called test.php and I will be calling the same file ( other file is okay too ) with a parameter "curl=1" during the curl process.
// The CURL handler
if( isset($_REQUEST['curl']) && $_REQUEST['curl'] == 1)
// The below echo will be the CURL result
echo print_r(
file_get_contents( "php://input" )
I am testing this in localhost and it is going to run perfectly. I have a file called test.php and I will be calling the same file ( other file is okay too ) with a parameter "curl=1" during the curl process.
// The CURL handler
if( isset($_REQUEST['curl']) && $_REQUEST['curl'] == 1)
// The below echo will be the CURL result
echo print_r(
file_get_contents( "php://input" )
$curl_url = "";
// Data we are going to Submit/POST
$base_data = array(
"page" => 5,
"showList" => "customer",
"sortBy" => "salary",
"orderBy" => "desc",
"includePriceGroups" => true,
"countryCode" => "US",
"languageCode" =>"EN" );
// JSON Encoding the POST data
$post_data = json_encode( $base_data );
// CURL Process Init
$ch = curl_init( $curl_url );
// SET CURL Options
// Set the method to 'POST'
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
// Set the DATA
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
// GET The result as a string curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Content-Length: " . strlen($post_data)) );
// GET the Result
$result = curl_exec($ch);
// Show Result
echo "This Result:: " . $result;
Though I have entered the "Content-type" header to be "application/json", but it can be "text/plain" also.
In the above scenario, this is what we get as output :
stdClass Object
[page] => 5
[showList] => customer
[sortBy] => salary
[orderBy] => desc
[includePriceGroups] => 1
[countryCode] => US
[languageCode] => EN
Now, let's find out, why the output is like that. We are posting a data like this :
{ "page":5,"showList":"customer","sortBy":"salary",
"orderBy":"desc", "includePriceGroups":true,
"countryCode":"US", "languageCode":"EN"
It is in JS Object Notation format. We are getting the above data in CURL handler written at the top of the script :
if( isset($_REQUEST['curl']) && $_REQUEST['curl'] == 1)
echo print_r(
file_get_contents( "php://input" )
We won't get this data in $_POST or $_REQUEST variables. To receive the post data, we need to call file_get_contents("php://input") i.e we are receiving it as an input stream. After that we convert it to a Object (of stdClass) by calling json_decode() function. Print_r() function finally print the object.
Hope this helps.
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