C Basics I

Before we delve into the sheer delicacies of C, here are some important facts which we should know about.

1. Dennis Ritchie invented C programming Language in the year 1972. Before C saw the first light, there were couple of programming languages available in that time such as BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) & B. Ritchie inherited features of them and added some of his own and developed C .

2. Now one thing we must  know is Programming Language (PL) Classification.
Mainly PLs are classified into 4 kinds.

A. Machine Language: Which is made of only 1s (one) and 0s (zero). Computer can understand only machine language. YES! terms like "Java","C", "C++", "VC++" all are alien to a computer unless they are converted to the language a computer really understands.  Once upon a time, when a computer programmer had to write his instruction in machine language. A machine language code may look like this:
                    00011   10100011101001 100110001
But the fact about it is that, it was damn tough to code. Detecting  and correcting errors were extremely hard. So scientists went for a new invention of languages and that is Assembly Language.

B. Assembly Language: It made the programmers feel relieved  ‘cause it was much easier in sense of  everything. It was easy to code, remember, detecting & correcting errors was a great easy. Assembly Language is little English-like and it had some small functions  (Pnemonics) which were easy to remember than machine code 001010 etc.
For example: 

Notice, here MOV & ADD are  Pnemonics, which have  inner meanings. MOV instructs the computer to move a variable’s(X) value to another place in CPU (AX). ADD tells it to add one variable Y with that AX. But we’ll agree that it’s much readable & approachable than machine language.

Note:  Machine Language & Assembly Language both are very much machine dependent, that means any certain program has to be different for different machines. Suppose  we’ve  written a program in Machine Language and checked it on a computer and found it running well. But the same code may not run on our friend’s  machine. This shows how ancient programmers had to struggle to get their programs running on different machines. Today’s Windows98/XP run on any x86 machine. But 30-40 years ago, a program used to run on only one machine. Assembly & Machine Languages are sometimes called Low Level Language.

C. After Assembly, there came the High Level Language. The commonly used high level languages are Basic, Fortran, Cobol etc. They are also called 3rd Generation Language(3GL).  This type of languages are more user-centered rather than machine-centered. Any program written in 3GL  can run on any platform, any machine with little or no modification.

D. And finally came 4GL or 4th Generation Language. Yes! Today’s Java, C#, VB, VC++ fall under its umbrella.

3.  In 2.A, we said a computer can understand machine language which contains only 1s and 0s. So any program written on any programming language on earth has to get converted to a series of 1s & 0s. And for this conversion, we need some softwares. 2 kind of converters are available….Compiler & Interpreter. There are a number of  C compilers available in the market. We are using TURBO C Compiler Version 2.0 and it is a product of Borland International Corp.

Note:  C programming Language is a very flexible one. It has the characteristics of a High Level Language & Low Level Language as well. Thus some authors love to call ‘C’ language a Middle Level Language.

Structure of  A C Program:
1. A C program consists of one or more distinct unit called Functions.
2. C Functions may consists of some valid statements. A function should have an opening
    Brace & a closing one. For example: main( ). 
3. A C function along with its statement block can be put anywhere in the program.
    The statements block within a function should be enclosed within a pair of  { }.
4. All C statements are entered in small case letters. C is case sensitive. So  
    Main()  is different from main().
5. C is a free form language. A statement can be written anywhere within a line. A
     statement can be split over multiple lines.
6. A Valid C statement always ends with a semi-colon (;).
7. Every C program must have at least one function named main(). Program Execution
    starts from this main().The function main() can appear anywhere within a program.
    But general practice is to place it at the top of program to increase readability.

C   Data Types:
C data types are divided into 2 categories.  Primary and Secondary Data types.

Primary data types are listed at the left while the secondary data types are listed at the right.


Enum etc

C  Variables :
We use computers to process some data and get information from there. So computers are fed with data. But a machine has to place those Data in a safe location and then make any further calculation according to its user’s will. So Variable comes in rescue. A Variable can hold data for further use. As we discussed earlier, a data can be of different  genre. A data can be a character, or an integer, or a floating  point numbers, or a series of characters (String). So variable’s type also changes according to data type.
For example: An Integer Variable can hold an integer not an floating point data.

Rules for constructing Variables names:
1. A variable name can have characters upto 31.
2. A variable  name can have Alphabets, Numbers, and no special characters except
     underscore( _ ).
3. No blanks and commas are  allowed within a variable name.
4. The first character of the name should be an alphabet.
5. The variable name should not be a keyword.

Note:  A Variable is a an entity whose value can vary. A variable’s value can be changed  if the user wants to do so. A variable’s name doesn’t have any relationship with the type of data it is holding. The name can be anything on earth. Usually  i , j, k, l ,sal, big  etc. name are used. But user can come out of this conservativeness and use any name to their variable. C is very much case sensitive, so , I  is different from i . 


Some wrong variable name:
386_is_good_number   ( variable name should not start with integer)
I love ice cream             (variable name can’t have any blank space)
I_went_there,_today      (a name should not have any Comma)

C  Constant :  
What A variable can hold is a constant. Suppose a variable  basic_salary holds a value of  2890. This 2890 is no doubt a constant because  2890 is always 2890, it can never be 123 or –45 or any other value. But the variable  basic_salary can hold new value 1200 erasing the previous (2890) one if  the user wants. So basic_salary is an entity whose value can be changed , so it is an example of Variable. But what value it can store at a time is a constant.
We need to remember, an integer variable can hold only integer constant, float variable can hold float constant, character variable can hold character constant. There are some constructing rules for each of them.

+1234                     (integer constant)
-23                          (integer constant)
-345.45645            (float constant)
‘c’                            (character constant)
“India”                   (string  constant)    
‘!’                            (character constant)
‘2’                           (character constant, not integer because of those inverted commas)
“234.234”              (string constant, not float because of those inverted commas)

Some wrong constants:
I                             (it will be rather treated as a variable)
India                      (it is an example of a variable) 
@                           (it’s neither constant nor a varible )

Notes:  Remember, 2 is different from ‘2’. Notice the placement of inverted commas. The first one (2) is an integer constant, whereas the second one (‘2’) is a character constant. Wherever you find a pair of inverted commas, consider it as constant. Similarly  I  is different from ‘I’.  The first one will be treated as a variable, whereas the second one is a character constant. A string is a collection of characters . So “India”  is a string/character constant. 

Variable Declaration:
Suppose, we have to make a program which will deal on employee’s details. So we have to collect each employee’s name, age, sex ,salary etc. As each data (for example: 'Chandan', '22', 'M', '2200') will be fed to computer, so we need variables to hold them. Notice that… the attributes 'name' will need a character type variable, 'age' need integer type, 'sex' need character and salary need float type variable. So the questions arises that how C Compiler will distinguish between different types of variables?

Well, the answer is by declaring them. Declaration is done to give each variable a different status. Declaration separates variables from each other.


char name;    // This is a comment 
int  age;     // Each C statement ends with a semi colon 
char sex; 
float salary;

The first statement make the compiler understand that we want to use a character variable whose name is 'name' which will hold character values. The second one, we want to use a variable to hold some integer values. And so on.

Now we have declared some variables so that they can hold some useful data.

C Keywords :
Just go through those declarations lines once again.

int  age;
char sex;
float salary;

Now what are those  char, float, int ?
Those words are nothing but Keywords. Keywords are the words whose meaning are already explained to compiler. Those words are also called Reserved Words. There are as many as 32 keywords in C. I am giving a list of them.

auto, double, float, register, struct, volatile, break, default, for, return, switch, while, case, do, goto, short, typedef, char, else, if, signed, union, const, enum, int, sizeof, unsigned, continue, extern, long, static, void

Those word are a small library to C compiler. C compiler knows all of them and also knows what to do when you mention them in any part of your program.

Notes: The keywords can’t be used as variable name. If we try to use them as a variable, we are just trying to assign new meaning to keywords which the C compiler won’t allow us to do.

Some Wrong statement:
float int;
char int;
int char;

All of the above declarations are wrong. Because,  in every statement, we have tried to use keywords as variable names.

The first C program :
Now we are armed with knowledge of  declaring variables,constants .Let’s write our first C code. It is a small average calculating program. It calculates average of three numbers.


  int a;
  int b;
  int c;
  int avg;
  printf(“\n the average is %d”,avg);


Now, let’s check the program bit by bit.

We have started the program with a function "main()" as we discussed earlier that, every C program should have at least this function. Program Execution starts from "main()". The "main()"  function obviously contain some statements. So it needs two pair of braces { }.
In the next four lines, we’ve declared four variables for our job. Three variables will hold 3 integer values and the fourth one will hold the calculated average value. So, four variables were declared. Next 3 lines contain an assignment operation, i.e we put 3 integer value in those variables. And the next line calculates the average and stores it in the avg variable. And finally printf()  function outputs the average value on the screen. How printf() function works - will be discussed a little later. But before that let's do some modifications to our program.

  int a,b,c,avg;  
  printf(“ %d”,avg);


Notice that, this is very compact & valid form of our earlier code. Any statement can be written anywhere in a  program. That is why C is called a Free-Form Language. You don’t have to maintain certain alignment rules while writing codes.

NOTE on Variable & Constant

1).Why should we declare variables in any program?
First of all, I want to clarify that a program may not have any variables declared at all. But this type of program may not fulfill our demand. Rather real life programs do have some variables declared within them.

I am giving an example.


  clrscr(); /* this actually clears the screen */
  printf("this program doesn't do any good");


The very above program just clears the screen first and prints the message thereon. But think, whether this serves any good purpose to us. It is not doing any calculation for us.

Why we need computers? We use it to process data resulting information. That is, we are to give data(input) to computer and it'll process it. As computer processes or does some calculation on data, we should include some calculation statements in our program. So  Computer has to store this input data anywhere inside it. This data actually get stored within the memory. Variables are used to identify this data. When I say "char ch='S'; " , it actually tells the computer to reserve a space in memory(say location number 1022) to hold a character  value 'S' and computer identifies this place with the variable name ch.

|  S   |

( the above picture occurs in memory )

So there is an address location 1022 in memory which stores character 'S'. As the computer can identifies the address 1022 with variable name ch, a variable is also called an identifier.

If we need this data to show on screen we may use the statement-


So, we need variables to store some data. Once it is declared we can do anything(calculations etc.) on it. The value of the variable can change anywhere within the program. Remember, in C, declaration of any variable should be at the beginning of a block or function or program but never in the middle of same.


  printf("\n we are going to declare...");
  char ch;


This program will give you an error. Here declaration happens at the end of a program. It should be as follows.


  char ch;
  printf("\n we are going to declare...");


2) Differences between Variables and Constants

A computer needs data to work on. Data are basically two types, variable and constant. Variable is a type which can store some data or value. And that very data is a constant. For example, when we say, 

int i=5; 

we’re declaring a variable and assigning a value 5 to it. If it was

int i=9888;

computer might have assigned a new value 9888 to the variable i. That means, 'i' is an entity which can hold data and this data can vary or change for that entity. That's why the container of this changeable data is called a "variable". So here i is a variable as its value can be changed if we wish. Now what is 5 or 9888 which we put into variables? 5 or 9888 can't change itself. I mean 5 is 5, it will remain 5 for ever, it will never be 4.  So, 5,-789, 0 etc all are constants as they never get changed.

     As a variable can store some data, we better give it a name for obviously some good reasons, otherwise it would have been difficult to distinguish between two variables. In our example, 'i' was the name of a variable. In C language, there are some rules that binds us when we name a variable.

3) Keywords and Variables

In C, there are 32 keywords. Keywords are some words those are very much known to the compiler. When we say,"int i ;", it means we're declaring an integer variable to store an integer value, but how compiler understands this? Because the compiler knows the word "int",  and so also knows what to do when somebody uses this. Similarly:-char, float, void, double, long, short, signed, unsigned, do, while, for, if, else etc all are examples of keyword. Meaning of those words are already explained to the compiler. We would not use those words while naming a variable. Suppose we gave, "int int=90;", here we wanted to declare a variable whose name would be "int". But the compiler would give an error message.

Some faulty declarations:-

int float=9.0909;   int signed=8;
float if=90;        char volatile=9;(volatile is a keyword)
char else;          float double;
double do=87;       double double;

Check out the next part Here

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