Check the first part of this article here.
8. Next, we need to show a contact form at the front-end. For this, we shall be following these points :
a. We'll create a shortcode
b. A function (say, 'myplugin_shortcode_handler()') will be assigned to it.
c. We can place or call the shortcode almost anywhere, within pages, posts, header or footer.
d. Whenever Wordpress sees the shortcode, it calls the myplugin_shortcode_handler() function.
So, we are just left with 2 jobs, i) create a shortcode and ii) define corresponding function 'myplugin_shortcode_handler()'. Let's do it one by one.
9. Within the same file xyz.php, we'll add the following line :
add_shortcode( 'myplugin', 'myplugin_shortcode_handler' );
The above line creates a shortcode '[myplugin]', which can be placed on almost all places. And Wordpress will call 'myplugin_shortcode_handler()' function when it encounters the above shortcode.
10. Now, we build the function 'myplugin_shortcode_handler()'. Check the code below :
function myplugin_shortcode_handler()
// Variables
$message = "";
$error = 0;
$myplugin_name = "";
$myplugin_email = "";
// Handle POST
// GET POST Data
$myplugin_email = trim($_POST['myplugin_email']);
$myplugin_name = trim($_POST['myplugin_name']);
// Validation
if($myplugin_email!="" && $myplugin_name!="")
// Email Validation
if( filter_var($myplugin_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) )
// Send the contact mail
$recipient_email = get_option('myplugin_recipient_email');
$subject = "Contact Form";
$message = "Name : $myplugin_name <br>".
"Email : $myplugin_email";
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html;' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'From: $myplugin_name <$myplugin_email>' . "\r\n";
mail($recipient_email, $subject, $message, $headers);
$message = "Thank you for contacting us";
$error = 0;
$message = "Some error Occurred";
$error = 1;
$message = "Invalid Email Address";
$error = 1;
$message = "Name and Email can not be blank";
$error = 1;
// POST Handling part completed
// Now Generate the Contact Form
"<form method='post' action=''>
<div class='myplugin_div'>
<span>Enter Name </span>
<input type='text' name='myplugin_name' value='".
<span>Enter Email </span>
<input type='text' name='myplugin_email' value='".
<input type='submit' value='Submit' name='myplugin_btnsubmit'></div>
<div class='myplugin_error'>";
// Show Messages if any
echo "<span style='color:" . ($error?'red':'green') . "'>". ($message!=""?$message:"") ;
echo "</span></div></form>";
The above form includes the POST handling PHP code. Couple of things need to be said here ...
a. The <input> elements' names should NOT be like 'email', 'name' etc. These names are reserved by Wordpress. So the Form submission can land into 404 error page.
b. Notice, how we have called the get_option() to get the recipient email address where the contact detail will be sent.
Check a screenshot below :
The methods we followed in the example above, could have involved AJAX post method also. How to use Ajax in Wordpress has been discussed in the article Ajax calls in Wordpress - Part I.
Here we are going to discuss how we can create simple plugin in Wordpress 1.9.
The process is described below ::
1. We need to create a PHP file, say "xyz.php" inside the wp-content/plugins folder. The name of the file is not important. The Plugin details should be mentioned within a comment inside that file.
So, the file may start with the following ::
Plugin Name: My TEST Plugin
Plugin URI:
Description: This is a TEST Plugin created by Chandan Patra
Author: Chandan Patra
Author URI:
Version: 1.0
The above comment has various information about our Plugin. I have given the plugin a name "My TEST Plugin". Check how this will appear in the Plugin section in Wordpress Admin Panel.
2. We can create a new folder in wp-content/plugins and put the above file inside that also.
3. Next, we need to activate our plugin by clicking on the "Activate" link.
Note :: Active plugins are listed in serialized form in 'wp_options' table with option name 'active_plugins'.
4. Now, let's add some functionality to our plugin. Let's create a small contact form with 2 fields, "Name" and "Email". When user fills up this form and hit the submit button, it generates a mail and sends it to a particular recipient's Email ID.
But, how our plugin would get the recipient email address? So, we need to create a Settings screen for our plugin where Admin can configure our plugin to work properly. There, Admin can put the recipient's email address also.
5. Creating a Settings page ::
To achieve this, we need to define our custom function (say, my_plugin_works()) which creates the Menu title etc and then add our custom function to a hook called 'admin_menu'. So, just below the Plugin information (as shown in point.1 above) in xyz.php file, we'll add the following code.
// So, we are adding our custom function
// 'my_plugin_works' to the 'admin_menu' hook
// Here is the definition of our
// custom function
function my_plugin_works()
//this is the main item for the menu
'My Plugin', //page title
'My Plugin Options', //menu title
'manage_options', //capabilities
'my_plugin_opt', //menu slug
'my_plugin_func' //function
The above code would create a menu called "My Plugin Option" as shown in the screenshot below.
We have used the add_menu_page() function which takes 5 parameters as described above. The 3rd parameter should be "manage_options" which lets us create/change settings within Wordpress Admin Panel.
6. So, when the "My Plugin Options" menu is clicked, we are redirected to URL :
The URL parameter 'my_plugin_opt' is supplied as 4th argument when calling add_menu_page() function.
7. And when we are redirected to the above URL, the function 'my_plugin_func' is going to be executed and this was passed as 5th argument to add_menu_page() function. So, now we need to define our my_plugin_func() function. Here is the definition ..
function my_plugin_func()
$message = "";
$error = 0;
<form method="post">
<table style="width:500px" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="10">
<td colspan='3' style='font-size:15px;font-weight:bold'>
My Plugin Settings</span> on your page
<td colspan='3' style='font-size:12px;font-weight:bold'>
Use shortcode <span style='color:blue;'>[myplugin]</span> on your page
<td>Enter Recipient Email Address </td>
<input type='text' name='email' value="<?php echo get_option('myplugin_recipient_email');?>">
<td colspan='3'><input type='submit' value='Submit' name='btnsubmit'></td>
<td colspan='3'>
<span style='color:<?php echo ($error?'red':'green') ;?>'>
// Shows Message
echo ($message!=""?$message:"");
So, our custom function my_plugin_func() shows a Form where the recipient mail can be entered. Notice the line :
<input type='text' name='email' value="<?php echo get_option('myplugin_recipient_email');?>">
We have given a name for our settings as 'myplugin_recipient_email'. So, when the above form is shown, it tries to get option from Wordpress. The function get_option() is a Wordpress function which tries to get 'named' option from DB. Initially, it won't show populate the <input> field, however when we would be able to save the recipient email address as a named option ('myplugin_recipient_email') in database, this <input> field will be successfully populated.
Check, how the form looks like ...
Now, we need to add functionality to this form so that the recipient email can be saved. So, we are adding the PHP code that will save the Email address in database. Here is the full version of the function my_plugin_func() ::
function my_plugin_func()
$message = "";
$error = 0;
// Handle POST
$email_id = trim($_POST['email']);
// Validation
if( filter_var($email_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) )
$message = "The recipient Email saved successfully";
$error = 0;
$message = "Invalid Email Address";
$error = 1;
$message = "Email can not be blank";
$error = 1;
<form method="post">
<table style="width:500px" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="10">
<td colspan='3' style='font-size:15px;font-weight:bold'>
My Plugin Settings</span> on your page
<td colspan='3' style='font-size:12px;font-weight:bold'>
Use shortcode <span style='color:blue;'>[myplugin]</span> on your page
<td>Enter Recipient Email Address </td>
<input type='text' name='email' value="<?php echo get_option('myplugin_recipient_email');?>">
<td colspan='3'><input type='submit' value='Submit' name='btnsubmit'></td>
<td colspan='3'>
<span style='color:<?php echo ($error?'red':'green') ;?>'>
// Shows Message
echo ($message!=""?$message:"");
The POST data handling part is quite simple, it checks the input email address and calls 'update_option()' function to save it under the name 'myplugin_recipient_email'. If the function 'update_option()' does not find the option 'myplugin_recipient_email' existing, it creates one and save the email address against it.
So, now we have a working settings page, where we can enter and save any email address. Now we have to show a Contact Form at the front-end.
Check the 2nd part of this article here.
Check out the first part of this article here.
Now, check the more neat and cleaner and recommended method for implementing Ajax with Wordpress. So let's check out our new process ...
1. Same old template-ajax-page.php will be our page template, where we would be writing the jQuery call. The jQuery POST method will have a small change here. Let's check it out.
function call_me()
// Check the Target URL admin-ajax.php
"<?php echo get_site_url();?>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
'action': 'fetch_posts',
'data' : 'posts_per_page=5' +
// Put the response in a particular place
Here, the change is done only to the AJAX target URL which is "wp-admin/admin-ajax.php". Wordpress includes this file for handling AJAX request.
2. Next, we need to open our theme's function.php and add new hooks in there. It is shown below.
// Our custom function's definition
function my_custom_fetch_posts()
// The below statement is for situations
// when User is logged in
add_action( 'wp_ajax_fetch_posts', 'my_custom_fetch_posts');
// The below statement is for situations
// when User is not logged in
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_fetch_posts', 'my_custom_fetch_posts');
The above lines are very important. Let me explain them.
In our jQuery POST method above, as our 'action' is 'fetch_posts', our target action hooks will be "wp_ajax_fetch_posts" (when user is logged in) and "wp_ajax_nopriv_fetch_posts" (when user is not logged in). The names of these two hooks can be different from each other. This hooks are created in admin-ajax.php ( our AJAX target file ) and our custom function 'my_custom_fetch_posts' is just added to the above hooks. So, in admin-ajax.php, when the action hook 'wp_ajax_fetch_posts' or 'wp_ajax_nopriv_fetch_posts' is triggered through do_action() calls, our custom function my_custom_fetch_posts() is called and executed eventually.
So, the basic is, as soon as our jQuery POST is triggered, and if 'add_foobar' is passed as 'action', target AJAX handler admin-ajax.php file fires authenticated AJAX action hook "wp_ajax_add_foobar" ( 'wp_ajax_' . $_REQUEST['action'] ) and if we add/attach our custom function "my_function" to that hook, my_function() will eventually be executed and the output will be returned back to the browser as a result of the AJAX call.
3. So, before above two add_action statements, we would be supplying the definition of our custom function as shown below.
// Our custom function
function prefix_ajax_fetch_posts()
// CHECK the action parameter
if( isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'fetch_posts' )
// Extract the data part
parse_str( $_REQUEST['data'] );
// So now we have variables like $posts_per_page
// $post_status and $category__in
// NOw we BUILD the arguments for WP_QUERY
$arg = array();
// SET number of posts
$arg['posts_per_page'] = $posts_per_page;
// SET POST status
$arg['post_status'] = $post_status;
// SET Category IDs
$arg['category__in'] = explode(",",$category__in);
// The QUERY
$the_query = new WP_Query( $arg );
// Now do what you want to do
// The Loop
$output = "";
while ( $the_query->have_posts() )
// GET ID, Title etc
$title = get_the_title();
$id = get_the_id();
// BUILD the Output
$output .= '<div class="post_details ">' .
get_the_post_thumbnail( $a, 'thumbnail' ) .
'<div class="post_title"> <a href="'. get_permalink().
'">'.$title.'</a> </div>';
// output
echo $output;
// IF ends here
// Attach our function to the Hook
add_action( 'wp_ajax_fetch_posts', 'prefix_ajax_fetch_posts');
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_fetch_posts', prefix_ajax_fetch_posts');
The statements within the above function "prefix_ajax_fetch_posts()" are same as we saw in the article discussing uglier AJAX technique. Here, they are just wrapped within a function definition. It just builds parameters to generate a WP_Query and prints the result of the query and sends back to browser.
In the above screenshot, some posts' titles are returned by server as per our logic and printed in a DIV.
Hope this helps.
In this article, I am going to share how we can implement ajax within Wordpress.
We can choose between two methods, one is uglier and the second one the recommended method.
Let's start with the uglier method.
Method 1 ::
a. Here, we are going to create a new page where we would be demonstrating the ajax call.
b. We would be creating a new template for this also.
c. We would be requiring jQuery ajax post methods for submitting our requests.
1. So, let's create a new template within the theme folder. In my case, the active theme is 'twentyfourteen'. So, within twentyfourteen/page-templates folder, we create a new template file called "template-ajax-page.php". It's content is shown below ::
This new template can be created by copy-pasting old template files (even copying page.php is also ok) and modifying the comment section as shown below.
* Template Name: AJAX PAGE
So, our template file is ready. Now, on this page, we would be adding our custom jQuery post() function which would send requests to the server asynchronously and show the response on screen.
If we have created the template by copying page.php or any other template file of our choice, we would not touch any other part of the template code, but we would add a button with title "Click to call AJAX" and a custom JS function "call_me" which would be executed when click the button.
// Our custom JS function which submits the
// request asynchronously
function call_me()
"<?php echo get_site_url() . "/test-ajax.php"; ?>",
'action': 'add_foobar',
'data': 'name=admin&age=34&roll_no=23'
console.log('The server responded: <br>' + response);
} // Function ends
<!-- Our Button -->
<input type="button" value="Click to call ajax" onclick="call_me()">
Check the function structure. The first parameter is the target PHP file (test-ajax.php) which would handle the AJAX request. Second parameter of this function consists of an object with member like 'action', 'data' etc. These members' names can be anything. Third parameter is the callback handler which handles the return response. Here, we have printed the response in browser console.
We can put the button HTML anywhere within the page. The test-ajax.php (Ajax Handler at the server side) can be placed within any directory within Wordpress installation, but it's path must be specified properly while calling function.
So, the gist is, when the above button is clicked, "call_me" function is called which posts the 2nd parameter object (passed through function). And when the server response is received, it is printed in the console.
2. So far so good, next, we would create a page and assign the above template to it. By doing this, we are making the our ajax functionality available at the front-end. So, we have created a page called "Ajax Page" and setting its template as shown below ...
And, see, how it looks like at the front-end.
The content of the page can be shown in anyway we want. That's why I said to not to touch other part of the template file. This way, we are just adding our functionality to the existing working template (as this was copied from page.php or any other template file).
3. Now, let's create the PHP page which will handle the AJAX request. In our example, the file's name is test-ajax.php and we would create this file at the root folder of our Wordpress installation. And this would match with the path provided in the function's first parameter.
Let's check the content of test-ajax.php ...
// The below file is important to load Wordpress
// Core functionalities
require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' );
// Clear the Buffer
// This is Important, otherwise default
// WORDPRESS-generated htmls will be available to us
We have included the "wp-blog-header.php" file at the top to get the Wordpress functionality, so $wpdb object, WP_Query() functions will be automatically available to us.
With this much of arrangement, let's see what happens when we click on the "Click to call ajax" button above. Check the output below ::
The server responded:
[action] => add_foobar
[data] => name=admin&age=34&roll_no=23
This output was captured at the console of the browser. So, it is clear that the data part ( 2nd Parameter of function ) was successfully posted to Server. The post data "name=admin&age=34&roll_no=23" can be easily parsed and output can be generated accordingly.
Now, let's write a new jQuery which requests the server for the details of all the posts created and published within Wordpress.
"<?php echo get_site_url() . "/test-ajax.php"; ?>",
'action': 'fetch_posts',
'data' : 'posts_per_page=5' +
'&post_status=publish' +
// Put the response in a particular place
Here, we have added "category__in" parameter i.e our query would check if the post belongs to category ID 1,2,3 or 4. Check, how we can parse the AJAX request at the server side below.
if( isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'fetch_posts' )
// Extract the data part
parse_str( $_REQUEST['data'] );
// So now we have variables like $posts_per_page
// $post_status and $category__in
// NOw we BUILD the arguments for WP_QUERY
$arg = array();
// SET number of posts
$arg['posts_per_page'] = $posts_per_page;
// SET POST status
$arg['post_status'] = $post_status;
// SET Category IDs
$arg['category__in'] = explode(",",$category__in);
// The QUERY
$the_query = new WP_Query( $arg );
// Now do what you want to do
// The Loop
$output = "";
while ( $the_query->have_posts() )
// GET ID, Title etc
$title = get_the_title();
$id = get_the_id();
// BUILD the Output
$output .= '<div class="post_details ">' .
get_the_post_thumbnail( $a, 'thumbnail' ) .
'<div class="post_title"> <a href="'.get_permalink().
'">'.$title.'</a> </div>';
// output
echo $output;
The above code is quite simple.
Check how we have set the data ( 2nd parameter in function ) part in our browser AJAX request.
'action': 'fetch_titles',
'data': 'posts_per_page=5' +
'&post_status=publish' +
Then, we are checking at the server-side for right POST variable.
if( isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'fetch_posts' )
and then we just extract parameters from the received data 'posts_per_page=5&post_status=publish&category__in=1,2,3,4' and build an array $args with which we finally create the WP_QUERY object.
Next, we just loop through all the results returned by WP_QUERY, generate a suitable HTML and output it.
On the browser side, the jQuery has a callback function defined ::
// Put the response in a particular place
which places/puts the response (server generated HTML) in a target DIV (with ID post_lists).
So, this is the simple AJAX implementation within Wordpress. Check the better method in my next article.